30MVA Cryptocurrency Mine
Canal Flats, B.C.
Project Highlights
- We expanded a 30 MVA substation, including the addition of a second transformer unit (T2).
- We provided substation upgrade design, equipment specification, technical requirements, load flow, protection, lightning, and grounding studies.
- Our team coordinated with BC Hydro throughout the project to ensure that all technical interconnection requirements were met.
- We completed the development and implementation of an “auto-restore” function using SEL relay programming to automatically close feeder breakers when power is restored after an outage.
- Our team completed protection and control schematics, including AC and DC, to support station functionality.
- We completed the schedule from project initiation to energization in 10 months.
Project Description
Primary designed and supported the construction of a 30 MVA substation expansion for a cryptocurrency mine in B.C. We significantly upgraded the existing substation to meet all the latest CEC and BC Hydro requirements, including adding an independent pole operated main circuit breaker to meet the voltage drop requirements of the utility during a transformer inrush.
We designed the entire substation using wooden poles and timber crossarms to expedite the schedule and lower project costs. The design was modelled in PLS-CADD to ensure reliability for the lifetime of the facility.
Overall, our team simplified a complex design to save client costs and maintain reliability within a 10-month schedule.
Contact us to get your project started today!