Health, Safety & Environment

If safety is in question, the work stops immediately.

The safety and well-being of our people, our clients, and our communities is our top priority in any work we do and is never comprised. Safety is one of the core values that every member of our team understands and lives by, and we ensure this through communication, education and participation. Our safety goal has always been zero incidents, and we work together through every project to achieve that goal.

Safety is ingrained in every project and each task our employees and contractors complete, whether in the office or onsite. Primary has developed effective workplace health and safety management programs designed to reduce and eliminate the number of work-related injuries, leading to a safety track record well above industry average. We are also diligent in selecting the companies we work with, choosing only those with a safety standard as high as our own.

We partner with Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA), Inter Utility Overhead Trainers Association (IUOTA) and Incident Prevention to drive safety excellence.

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How we put safety first


Day-to-Day Integration

Through ongoing mentorship between our senior and junior staff, regular safety meetings, teachable moments, and role modeling of safety leadership to all levels of employees we make safety part of everything we do.

Training and Competence

Our employees complete identified job training requirements and participate in mandatory ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Association) Safety Training. Primary has National Construction Safety Officers on staff providing opportunities for learning, reinforcing and monitoring application of learned skills and knowledge.

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Our performance-based Safety Certified Program rewards employees for their ongoing commitment to safety. We take pride and ownership in everything we do.

Commitment to Learning From Others

We collaborate with companies in our industry and share lessons learned. This includes participating in the Fortis Safety Summit, ENMAX Safety Convention and Work Methods group.

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Continuous Improvement

Along with a Joint Health and Safety Committee that involves all levels of employees, resources are allocated for identification and continuous improvement of all safety initiatives allowing for real time intervention that provides assurance that the safety system is effective.


Primary has been recognized
by clients including:

FortisAlberta, ENMAX and BC Hydro for exceptional performance in workplace health and safety as documented by ISNetworld. We are proud of our Certificate of Recognition (COR) for establishing a health and safety management system and meeting established standards.


We recognize our responsibility to the communities and environment we work in and are committed to minimizing our environmental impact. Our commitment to the environment is reflected in our excellent environmental record.



We promote environmental awareness among our employees through training and education and consistently communicate our environmental commitments to employees, customers and the public.


Continuous Improvement

We strive to improve our environmental performance by consistently reviewing our approach to environmental sustainability, incorporating best practices and lessons learned.


Understand the Impacts

Environmental concerns and potential impacts are considered in all decision-making and activities that we pursue.


Fulfill Industry Requirements

We operate within all relevant environmental legislation and develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programs where needed.


Minimize Waste

We purchase recycled or refurbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and suitable.


For additional information or inquiries about the Subcontractor Prequalification process, please contact the regional manager for the area you are in, to get prequalified with Primary.